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    3 Common Chemicals That May Cause Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer is an epidemic. One in eight women will develop the disease, and nearly 40,000 women die from it yearly (though, thankfully, the death rate is decreasing). We all know women who have fought the disease — moms, sisters, grandmothers, friends, aunts, daughters, neighbors.
    Meanwhile, the evidence mounts that common chemicals play a role in breast cancer incidence. Hormone-disrupting chemicals pose a particular concern, since breast cancer is sensitive to hormonal changes. One recent study found women who work in the plastics and food canning industries had a fivefold increase in premenopausal breast cancer. The conclusion? Exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals, including phthalates, bisphenol-A, and flame-retardants, is a decisive factor in breast cancer incidence.
    Because the government and industry are slow to take steps to protect people from the carcinogenic effects of everyday toxic chemicals, it falls to the consumer to take steps to reduce exposures to cancer-causing chemicals. Learning more about these chemicals and working to avoid exposure to them is a key cancer prevention strategy that everyone can embrace.

    8 Best Plants to Grow Indoors

    53b122f2c24234_thumb900Plants do not seem to want to live in my house. After my last plant turned completely brown, I decided to give up on growing anything indoors for a while. Recently, I was inspired to give it another try after I heard Kamal Meattle talk about his experience. Kamal had asthma so badly that doctors predicted he could die if his living environment didn’t change. Then, by simply adding plants in his home and workspace, his health drastically improved and his asthma symptoms subsided (you can listen to his Ted Talks presentation here).

    10 Air Cleaner and Purifier Indoor Plants

     Did you know that the air quality indoors, even in a new and clean building, is considered dangerously polluted by widely accepted air quality standards?  Unless you live in a cutting edge, LEED Platinum house with excellent ventilation, it is highly likely that you are breathing in all kinds of toxic particulates and gases that are silently and constantly being generated by the synthetic chemicals in your home and the various materials it is made from (carpet, paint, wood finishing, TV’s, electronics, etc.).  Many people are aware of this and buy machines to purify the air in their home or office.  These are a step in the right direction, but nothing is quite as powerful or effective as nature.  We highly recommend the use of plants that are known for removing toxins and generating abundant oxygen.  Unlike machines, plants are totally natural and are biologically aligned with the needs of the human body, making them the perfect remedy for indoor air quality.  Below you will find a list of 10 excellent plants for this purpose.  Best of all, they are cheap, readily available and easy to maintain.
    - Truth

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