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    10 Super Foods To Boost Your Immune System

    No one will plan to get sick, but our food habits are the major causes for our illness. So, in order to improve your immunity you need to very careful while taking your meal.  Here is a list of several foods and drinks that provide immunity boost naturally


    Hot tea like Chamomile, will help you in preventing sickness. Drinking about five cups of this hot brew will increase blood levels of certain compounds like poly-phenols, which in turn increases the anti bacterial activity in your body. This brew also raises the glycine level, which serves as a mild sedative and relaxes your muscles.

    Top 15 Superfoods For Healthy Nails

    Our nails are formed by layers of laminated protein called keratin.  Our nail grows from the area below the base of the nail called the cuticle.  When new cells grow the older cells will be pushed towards the fingertips. The healthy fingernails will be smooth and without any pits or grooves. They will have uniform color and will be free of any discoloration.  To have healthy nails it is necessary that you eat healthy foods.  The nutrients present in the food determines how your nails look.  If your foods lack the essential nutrients, your nails will become dry and brittle. So, to make your nails healthy and attractive it is necessary to consume the super foods for healthy nails.

    Top 15 Superfoods For Healthy Nails

    It is important for you to eat the right foods to make your nails feel stronger and healthier. Diet plays an important party in nail growth and improper diet will make the nails become brittle and weak. The following are the top superfoods that will help you to grow healthy nails.

    Top 15 Superfoods To Combat Anemia

    This is one of the most common disorders of blood. A person is said to have anemia when the number of red blood cells or the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is low.  Hemoglobin is a protein present inside the red blood cells and it helps in the transportation of oxygen to various parts of the body. Women are more prone to anemia. There are different varieties of anemia caused by several reasons and are divided into three groups.
    •    Blood loss anemia
    •    Blood cell destruction or hemolysis anemia
    •    Deficient red cell production anemia.

    Causes Of Anemia

    Some of the main causes of anemia in women are
    •    Deficiency of iron
    •    Deficiency of vitamin B12

    15 Super Foods That Prevent Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer might be a common form of cancer but it can also take on a deadly form. It has been predicted by the World Health Organization that by 2020 the incidence of breast cancer cases will be higher than what it is today. It is believed that one in every eight women runs the risk of developing breast cancer during her lifetime. Such an ailment is a complex one. There are many factors that play a role in it such as dietary and lifestyle factors as well. Breast cancer can be prevented as well as controlled by taking on healthy habits like reducing alcohol consumption, controlling the weight, breast feeding, avoiding exposure to polluting and radical elements as well as following a healthy diet plan.

    Top Foods That Help To Improve Eyesight

    Eyesight is a crucial sense for human beings as it is for all animals. When we suffer from poor eyesight, our normal functioning and living is hampered to a great extent. While medicinal intervention and ophthalmic procedures are there to correct our vision, eyesight needs to be maintained and kept healthy by pursuing the right diet. Nowadays many children develop eye problems at an early age. It is known that various nutrients like vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids a well as antioxidants and minerals are needed to maintain the health of our eyes and sight.
    There are some main food groups which contain the vital nutrients for healthy eyesight. These are discussed below:
    It is said that green and leafy vegetables play a vital role in the development and maintenance of healthy eyesight. Spinach, carrots and broccoli find special mention among food items that can help ensure healthy eye.

    Best and Worst Foods To Eat For Sleep

    Are you one of those people who have difficulty in falling asleep at night? Many people suffer from such a problem even if they are stressed out and fatigued. It has been noted that, high levels of anxiety and stress can leave you deprived of sleep. Sleep is the one way to get over such obstacles in life which stand in the way of mental peace and happiness. There are certain food items which are known to help one fall asleep. Again, it could also be due to certain food items that you are consuming which makes you stay awake at night.
    Here are some food items and how they impact our sleep propensity.

    Top 15 Superfoods To Lower High Blood Pressure

    Blood pressure is the force applied by the blood on the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps the blood. If the blood pressure remains high over time, it can lead to other health problems such as coronary heart diseases, stroke, heart failure, kidney failure etc. High blood pressure develops over the years and it affects nearly everyone in the long run. It is easily detectable and can be controlled by proper diet and exercise.  When your blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or above most of the time, you are having high pressure. The important causes of hypertension are various diseases, pregnancy, certain medications, obesity etc. Symptoms of blood pressure include severe headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness etc. There are prescription medicines which help to lower the blood pressure, but most of them have side effects.  You can control hypertension naturally by eating the right foods.

    Top 14 Super Foods For Weight Loss

    For some people it is very difficult to remain in the ideal weight. Due to the busy life of the present day most of them do not get time to go to the gym and make the body fit and slim. They try different fad diets and supplements for weight loss without achieving the result. When it comes to weight loss what matters is what you are consuming. The main reason for the increase in body weight is consumption of more calories than needed by the body. So, if you want to achieve weight loss you should consume food items which are less in calories. This will also help you to reduce your blood pressure, cholesterol and to maintain proper sugar level.

    How To Slow Your Eating Habits

    One of the things which are commonly noticed among people who tend to put on more weight day by day is their tendency to eat more which is due to the faster rate in which they eat. For all those who tend to finish their meals much faster than anyone else will need some tips to prevent faster eating and inculcating slower eating habits.
    These habits of eating at faster rate is usually traced back to the habits which are started in childhood, it is also astonishing to see the amount of food which is usually eaten within span of six to seven minutes. However this is not the only reason to eat food so fast, there are other reasons like the being extremely hungry or even if the food is tasty enough which is said to increase the hunger for more food making people to shovel into the food.

    Best Foods For Naturally Glowing Skin

    Healthy and glowing skin is what everyone dreams of. Several magical foods help you maintain your skin glowing and very healthy and give relief from lifeless and dull skin. Smart and young look can be obtained by consuming some foods, which gives radiance to the skin. Once we are healthy from inside the skin automatically glows. If your skin is glowing, it defines that you are having good health and rich in nutrients. The secret lies in what you eat daily. Fast foods, junk foods, caffeine are highly processed that your skin looses the radiance and make you look unhealthy.  Vitamins make your skin look beautiful, healthy and radiant which are mainly present in the foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.
    We cannot expect our skin to glow and maintain good health if we are not taking necessary care for it. Many factors such as stress in work balance, harsh sunlight, taking improper diet in improper time keeps us away from healthy and glowing skin. We to form essential nutrients that take care of the skin to make it look healthy should spend enough time.
    Our diet is to be modified in order to make the skin look healthy. The processes like cleansing, moisturizing, toning should be carried out frequently which results in making the skin look natural and beautiful.

    Super Foods for Your Heart

    Suffering from heart problems?? Healthy diet helps you keep away from causing the heart disease, performing daily exercises and maintaining moderate weight also helps you reduce the risk of causing heart problems. To keep your heart strong and healthy, some super foods are to be added to your daily menu with your routine diet.
    According to Linda Van Horn (PhD), registered dietitian (RD), member of the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee, and professor of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern Medical School in Chicago, “In order to prevent heart disease, you have to increase unsaturated fats and total dietary fiber is the only way”
    Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fats which help in blood from clotting and arteries from clogging with plaque and also in reducing the triglycerides. Some fruits and legumes which is a diet that is rich in the soluble fiber helps in reducing the cholesterol.
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