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    Health Benefits of Onions

    The herbaceous plant onion belongs to family “Liliaceae” and has latin name “Allium Cepa”.
    Onions are rich in certain sulphur-containing compounds.
    Onion normalizes vata and increases kapha and pitta.
    Onions are cooling topically but heating internally.
    Onions are antiseptic, antibiotic, carminative and antimicrobial.
    Onions are low in calories, fat cholesterol and sodium.
    Onions contain fiber potassium, Vitamins C and B and other nutrients.
    Remedy for common cold, cough, fever and sore throat –Juice of fresh onion with jaggery or onion juice with Honey will help you to cure sore throat and other conditions. For allergies also you can try the Onion Juice mix with Honey or Jaggery.
    Fever – cut a large white onion and just apply it on the forehead it will help you and save you from side effects until you visit the doctor.
    Bleeding from Nose – If someone is bleeding cut the onion and let the person breathe the smell of fresh cut onion. This will help to stop the blood or reduce it.
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