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    You Eat Pineapple But You Have Probably Never Heard Of This

    The pineapple contains nutrients that protect the organism from many health issues. It has sweet taste and plenty of vitamin A and C, phosphorus, fibers, calcium and potassium.
    1. Protects from various types of cancer
    The pineapple is including antioxidants that are useful in fighting the radicals and are preventing damage to the cells. It is suitable in fighting against atherosclerosis, arthritis, cancer and heart disease.
    1. Prevents inflammation and infections
    This fruit has plenty of vitamin C and bromelain, which are enzymes that are decomposing proteins and are preventing bacterial infections. Colds and coughs can be successfully treated.

    1. Strengthens the bones
    It strengthens the bones and the binding tissue, because of the high level of manganese included. You will satisfy 75% of the mineral daily needs by consuming one cup of pineapple juice.
    1. Protects eyes
    Over the years, our vision weakens. The beta carotene which is contained in this fruit, is very helpful for the eye health.
    1. Protects the heart
    Pineapple is good for reducing bad cholesterol and fighting the free radicals because of the antioxidants contained in this fruit. If you use pineapple regularly, you will rebound to strengthening your heart’s muscle and diminish the risk of heart disease.
    1. Improves the process of digestion
    The digestion process will be improved by the vitamin C, bromelain and the fiber included in pineapple.
    1. Prevents hypertension
    Pineapple contains potassium and sodium, which are good for maintaining your blood pressure. If you are experiencing high blood pressure, the least you can do is to include pineapple in your diet.
    1. It is great against acne
    The vitamin C included in pineapple is very efficient in removing dark spots and gray complexion. It assists in the creation of collagen and is very efficient in removing acne. It will tighten your skin and will diminish redness.

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