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    Super Foods for Your Heart

    Suffering from heart problems?? Healthy diet helps you keep away from causing the heart disease, performing daily exercises and maintaining moderate weight also helps you reduce the risk of causing heart problems. To keep your heart strong and healthy, some super foods are to be added to your daily menu with your routine diet.
    According to Linda Van Horn (PhD), registered dietitian (RD), member of the American Heart Association’s nutrition committee, and professor of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern Medical School in Chicago, “In order to prevent heart disease, you have to increase unsaturated fats and total dietary fiber is the only way”
    Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fats which help in blood from clotting and arteries from clogging with plaque and also in reducing the triglycerides. Some fruits and legumes which is a diet that is rich in the soluble fiber helps in reducing the cholesterol.

    Following are the several super foods which contains nutrients for healthy heart:

    Omega-3 fatty acids are rich in these little fish called sardines. They also have the great sources of niacin and calcium. These sardines which are canned, packed in oils can be used in salads, sandwiches and sauces or can be tried fresh on a grill.  Consuming 3.5 ounces of sardines contains 220 calories and 3 fresh sardines on grill contain 281 calories.
    Folate, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids are present in oat meals which are rich in fiber and reduce the cholesterol levels which help in maintaining the arteries of the heart clear. It is a comforting breakfast and gives you instant boost of fibers. Glycemic index is low which helps keeping you away from hunger and also provides long lasting energy. Adding some raisins and honey for flavor with rolled oat meals is a better option.
    Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that is present in the mackerel which is also an excellent source for omega-3 fatty acids which keeps you away from the cancer and heart problems. Mackerel is a replacement of salmon for better health benefits. Consuming 3.5 ounces of mackerel produces 220 calories
    Polyunsaturated fats are high in walnuts which are good fats containing Vitamin-E which are really helpful if consumed moderately. Omega-3 fatty acids can be gained easily with the help of these walnuts. Ground walnuts can be added to the different types of salads in order to boost the nutrition.
    Tofu consists of soy protein of 25 grams and 50-60 grams of soy isoflavones which help in the maintenance of the cholesterol levels and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is made from soybeans. It can be added to salads of any type as it has the nature of absorbing the flavor of whatever you are cooking with it.
    Fiber and iron are rich in the prunes. Beta-carotene is rich in plums along with the sufficient source of fiber. They reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood if you consume them regularly. They are especially known for their laxative effect. Five prunes produce 71 calories and two plums produce 34 calories.
    Kidney Beans/Chickpeas
    High soluble fiber protein and low fats are produced by kidney beans similar to many legumes.
    Glycemic index is also low in the kidney beans which are rich in vitamins and are free from cholesterol. It is a perfect health food if taken with chili and salads. Canned beans are the varieties with high salt content in them, so dried beans are mostly recommended from better heart benefits.
    Iron and minerals are produced by the barley which is a decent protein source. It is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Whole grain barley combats the constipation; these cereals can be used as a substitute for rice and pasta once weekly. Most of barley which does not contain outer husk is low in nutrients so care should be taken when we buy barley.
    Wild Salmon (not farmed)
    Antioxidant called selenium is present in the high levels in this wild salmon, which keeps you from cardiovascular diseases. Metabolism in the heart is improved by Omega-3 fatty acids which are present in this grilled, broiled or baked tasty fleshy fish.
    William Davis, MD, a Wisconsin-based preventive cardiologist and author of Wheat Belly says that, “Lots of fats are present in the liver which is very healthy for the heart”.
    Omega-3 fatty acids are rich in almonds. These are crunchy, meaty nuts similar to walnuts. If you do not like the bitter taste of fleshy walnuts, almonds can be used instead.
    Chia seeds
    These are powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids containing 60 calories. Chia seeds reduce the bad cholesterol and plaque buildup in the body. A spoonful of chia seed oil sprinkled on the salads, or mixed with soup or yogurt helps you stay healthy.
    Antioxidants like resveratrol and flavonoids are present in there dark berries which helps from the coronary diseases. Having them with oatmeal, in smoothies or in yogurt keeps you healthy.
    Three cups of coffee daily helps in increasing the cognition levels and decreases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Antioxidants are high in coffee and prevents from the type 2 diabetes. Caffeine is also good sometimes.
    Red wine
    Resveratrol an important antioxidant present in the red wine helps in preventing cancer. Berries and dark skinned grapes are rich in this compound. Procyanidins is an antioxidant present in the Madirans and Cabernets which increases arterial health and reduces the cholesterol levels.
    Green tea
    Green tea contains antioxidants like catechin and many heart-healthy flavonols, which help you in fighting against free radicals that result in blood clots, cancer, and atherosclerosis. Its helps in lowering hypertension and also offers cardio benefits by drinking one cup of this beverage daily. Boost your heart health with green tea.
    Raisins is loaded with potassium, it helps in increasing immunity boosting antioxidants and also in lowering hypertension. Consume a handful of raisins; they help you in reducing high blood pressure.
    Broccoli is a green leafy vegetable that is very good for your heart. Broccoli is rich in fiber ant is packed with antioxidants and helps in lowering cholesterol.
    Brussels sprouts
    There are many foods that are rich in vitamins; they are Brussels sprouts and mini cabbage heads. Undoubtedly they are very good for your heart. It provides heart-healthy benefits by improving blood vessel health and reducing inflammation in the cardiovascular system.
    28 best Foods for Your Heart health
    Cauliflower, though it is not green it is rich in antioxidants, fiber, and contains a component called allicin, which is usually present in garlic. All these components help you in lowering the risk of cardio problems like strokes / heart attacks and also helps you get rid of cholesterol.
    Whole grains
    Whole grains help you control cholesterol and is free of gluten’s. Stay away from refined, processed whole grains, as they are steeped in gluten’s and may result in clogged arteries and other problems associated with heart ailments.
    Flaxseed is packed with fiber and fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6. Sprinkling a pinch of flaxseeds on a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal will make a healthy-heart breakfast.
    Apples contain antioxidants that are polyphenols. They shield cholesterol and protect them from the assault free-radicals. They also contain pectin, which helps in sweeping out cholesterol and blocks the absorption of fiber.
    Oranges are another good source of pectin. Orange, grape fruit are citrus fruits that are packed with flavaonoids. These flavaonoids help you in lowering blood pressure and in reducing inflammation in the arteries. Hesperidin that is contained in citrus improves flow of blood to the heart. Vitamin C protects you against heart stroke.
    Legumes are filled with fiber, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber that prevent heart problems. Some other fiber rich foods include black beans, kidney beans, and chickpeas.
    Nuts like walnuts, almonds and macadamia nuts are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, mono and poly unsaturated fats. They also increase the fiber present in your diet. Olive oil is another good source of healthy fat.
    Dark Chocolate
    Cocoa helps in lowering blood pressure. Flavonols present in dark chocolate will help you relax your arteries, and improve and increase blood flow.
    Do not use tropical oils like coconut oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, as they have high saturated fat.
    Avocados have more mono unsaturated fats. Usually they are called “good fats”, which helps you in minimizing blood clots and blood cholesterol. You can add heart-healthy fats to your diet, by including avocado to salads or sandwiches.  Avocado oil has the ability to modify fatty acids in tissues, which reduces the hardening of the arteries in the heart, and prevents from heart disease.
    Including all or some of the above mentioned super foods that protect your heart, will help you keep away from the problems related to your heart. Consuming them with your daily meal will help you keep your heart healthy.

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