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    Top Foods That Help To Improve Eyesight

    Eyesight is a crucial sense for human beings as it is for all animals. When we suffer from poor eyesight, our normal functioning and living is hampered to a great extent. While medicinal intervention and ophthalmic procedures are there to correct our vision, eyesight needs to be maintained and kept healthy by pursuing the right diet. Nowadays many children develop eye problems at an early age. It is known that various nutrients like vitamin C, omega 3 fatty acids a well as antioxidants and minerals are needed to maintain the health of our eyes and sight.
    There are some main food groups which contain the vital nutrients for healthy eyesight. These are discussed below:
    It is said that green and leafy vegetables play a vital role in the development and maintenance of healthy eyesight. Spinach, carrots and broccoli find special mention among food items that can help ensure healthy eye.



    It is known to contain the following benefits:
    •    It is said to contain vitamin A which aids in the preservation of the cornea
    •    Lutein is another chemical found in spinach which helps protect eyes from the harm of the ultra violet light
    •    Zeaxanthin is a chemical compound present in the spinach leaves which helps towards the development of healthy vision
    For maintaining healthy eyes, one should consume spinach juice early morning on an empty stomach. It can also be consumed in the boiled, cooked or sautéed form in different dishes.


    It has been long known that carrots are beneficial for the eyes. The main reasons are noted here:
    •    Carrots are known to contain beta carotene which acts as a precursor to vitamin A production
    •    Carrots help to prevent night blindness
    •    Lutein compound found in carrots can help to protect the eyes
    •    There is fiber and potassium content in the carrots which help to promote healthy eyes
    Carrots can be consumed raw as snacks or in the cooked form as well.


    This vegetable is known to contain the following nutrients beneficial for the eyes:
    •    There is high amount of vitamin B2 which can help to prevent sensitivity to light, ocular fatigue, inflammation and blurred vision
    •    Photochemical and anti oxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin present in broccoli are known to help preserve healthy eyesight
    •    The nutrients are known to be present in the flower heads as well as in the leaves and the stalks
    The vegetable can be consumed in raw form, in salads or in different dishes in the cooked state. It is good for aging people in whom the formation of cataract is slowed down by the nutrients present in this vegetable.


    The next group of food which is beneficial for the eyes is fish. There are many cold water fishes which are known to have beneficial property for the eyes:
    •    Salmon
    •    Mackerel
    •    Herring
    •    Tuna
    •    Sardines
    These fishes all have the following benefits to offer:
    •    The nutrients present in such fishes protects the retina from damage as well as prevents blindness
    •    The omega-3 fatty acids in these fishes is the main ingredient what helps to preserve the moisture content in the eyes and prevents the eyes from drying up as is often found in people wearing contact lenses and in old people
    •    These fatty acids help to preserve the eyes from macular degeneration
    For healthy eyesight one should consume at least two servings of any such fish twice a week. The fishes should be consumed in baked or grilled form in order to preserve their goodness.


    There are many fruits such as berries and avocado that are known to help one enjoy good eyesight.


    Berries of the different kinds are good for the eyes:
    •    Blueberries
    •    Mulberries
    •    Blackberries
    •    Cranberries
    •    Bilberries
    Such berries contain many helpful properties:
    •    Berries contain different anti oxidants which can help to stabilize the collagen content as well as work as anti inflammatory agents
    •    The nutrients contained have rhodopsin and vasoprotective properties which help the cellular regeneration to happen better
    •    The blood vessels are made stronger and weak eyesight is strengthened as a result
    •    Inflammations are controlled as well as blood pressure levels are lowered
    •    Due to the presence of anthocyanins present in the berries blockages in the arteries is prevented.


    This fruit is known to have the following properties:
    •    It contains lutein which can prevent the macular degeneration from happening
    •    The lutein compound prevents the cataract formation as well as other age related eye disease from occurring
    •    The different nutrients like vitamins C, E, B6, beta carotene help to ensure good eyesight
    Do you wish to follow a healthy diet for your eyes? If you have more suggestions and tips to offer on a healthy diet for healthy eyes, please forward your comments and suggestions.

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