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    9 Simple Home Remedies for Pimples

    Pimple Home remedy 3
    Generally pimples are caused due to increase of the hormone levels in the body, which can be mostly seen in teenagers. Commonly pimples are occurred on the face, scalp, back and chest areas of the body. The main reasons behind cause of acne are improper diet, high stress, sleeplessness and very busy lifestyle.

    Here are the natural home remedies for curing pimples/acne:

    Redmond Clay:

    Pimple Home remedy 1
    Mixing Redmond clay with small quantity of water and lavender oil gives you a clay paste which should be applied on the areas where you find pimples but not all over the face. This helps your pimples disappear overnight.

    Apple Cider Vinegar:

    Pimple Home remedy 2
    Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) works as a toner and helps you clear pimples from your skin and also improves your complexion. When applied, it softens and exfoliates your skin.  But remember to dilute it before using it on your face. Apply on the blemish once or twice every day for better results. After applying, do not wash it off unless you actually want to.

    Lemon Juice:

    Pimple Home remedy 3
    Dirt that is accumulated on the pores of skin generally causes pimples. The acidic property that is present in the lemons will help in cleaning the dirt on the skin. Lemon juice should be applied over the pimples and should be left for few hours which cures the pimples, lemon juice mixed with equal ratio of rose water also treats pimples.

    Mustard & Honey:

    Pimple Home remedy 4
    Mustard is a good source of natural salicylic acid. It works wonders in treating acne or pimples. It also contains lots of fatty acids, omega 3, vitamin C and zinc. All these components are good for your skin. For treating blemishes you can use mustard or mustard powder. Mix 1/8 teaspoon of mustard powder with 1 tsp honey and apply it as pimple mask. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off.

    Green Tea & Ice Cubes:

    Pimple Home remedy 5
    Rolling ice cubes over the pimples lessen the swelling and also the redness. This gives you relief from the pain caused by pimples and also treats them. You can even use frozen green tea cubes over your blemish for soothing effect.


    Pimple Home remedy 6
    Pimple Home remedy 6
    Tomatoes act as a very good astringent and they are rich in antioxidants. Tomato facial masks help you in healing acne scars quickly. Cut a tomato into two halves and rub the juice over a blemish or eruption once or twice every day. Do not over use the tomato juice directly on the face as it may cause dryness. So, just treat your pimples with tomato juice or dilute it till it’s thin and then use it carefully.

    Essential oils:

    Pimple Home remedy 7 - Essential Oils
    Essential oils such as tea tree oil and lavender oil are good for your skin, if they are used sparingly. Usually you should not use undiluted essential oils directly on your facial skin. These oils should be used rarely as you may get an itchy reaction because of excessive use. Avoid rubbing undiluted essential oils on your skin.
    Take a drop of tea tree oil or lavender oil and apply it on an awkwardly large pimple or blemishes. But keep in mind that it may not work well for everyone.

    Egg white:

    Pimple Home remedy 8
    Egg white contains 10% of proteins, vitamins and minerals and about 90% water. The drying effect of egg white will soak the excess oils and expedites healing of your pimples or acne.  You can take a dab of egg white and apply it on your blemishes or you can mix egg white with lemon juice or honey for better results.
    You can also apply little lemon juice or garlic juice on the pimple and cover it with egg white to get rid of pimples.


    Pimple Home remedy  9
    Garlic is another wonderful natural remedy for pimples. It is packed with anti-microbial and healing properties, which helps you in killing bacteria faster than you think. Dab a bit of garlic juice on the affected area or your pimple and let it rest for as long as possible.

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